Will Injury Lawyer In Ajax Deal With Your Insurance Company After Accident

Injury lawyer in Ajax is always there to guide you in the right direction and ensure that your case gets the attention and the compensation it deserves. They will advise you regarding all aspects of personal injury cases including your dealings with your insurer. This of course is tricky ground because insurance companies will always look for ways to minimize your compensation amounts or simply do away with your claim. You require a strong representation that proves your case beyond doubt. This way, your insurers simply will have no other option but to pay up the monies where due. Make sure that nothing comes between you and the claims by following the guidelines of your injury lawyer in Ajax.


They Will Advise You Against Making The Following Mistakes.


1.    The initial meeting with your insurer post the accident scenario is extremely crucial. It can make or break your case completely. This may happen over telephone or in person. Ideally, you should take your lawyer to the meeting as any wrong word can bring down your claim amounts. In the worst-case scenario, the company may even deny your claim completely.


2.    When it comes to telling them about the accident, you simply cannot depend upon guesswork or estimates. According to the injury lawyer in Ajax, whenever you are in doubt regarding answer to any question, simply deny any knowledge. This may include traffic signal color or your driving speed at the time of the accident. Statements such as ‘I think’ or ‘I guess’ will simply go against you so, avoid using these. Do not give the insurance adjuster any reason to deny the claim at least from your side.


3.    Do not consider the time with the insurer as the one to confess your part in the accident. Even if you think you were the one at fault, ideally you should resist the temptation to admit the same. This is what your injury lawyer in Ajax will advise you to do as well. Besides the insurance company, avoid talking about your role in the accident to insurance adjuster, police investigator, or the driver of the other vehicle. Everything that you say at this point may work against you when the time comes to getting your compensation amounts.


4.    Also, it will be completely wrong to tell your adjuster that you have not sustained any injuries during the accident. Mostly, these tend to be internally located and as such take time to manifest themselves. Unless several days have passed after the accident and your doctor have given you a complete clean chit, refrain from saying that you are completely all right. According to the injury lawyer in Ajax,this will bring down the amounts that you would have gotten otherwise.


In fact, when you are under the guidance of a legal professional, you can concentrate on other important tasks. They will give you constant updates about the progression of the case. Click here to read more.